
GAPAN proposes new Instructors Licence

The Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators (GAPAN) Instructor sub-committee has been looking at various issues relating to flying instruction.

One of their major proposals is the creation of a new Instructorsílicence, which would focus on training specifically for the purpose of teaching flying.

A CPL would no longer be a prerequisite.

They recomend flying training should have far more emphasis on safety, safe standardised techniques and recognition of potentially hazardous situations and should include analysis of accident reports to learn how to avoid repetition of such errors.

And they say the some instructors leave a lot to be desired – there is no place in a cockpit for aggression, bullying, bad language; nor is it pleasant to share the confined space with the heavy smoker or garlic chewer!

A CPL would no longer be a prerequisite.


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