
Complete ATPL question bank for sale!

Flyer has received information that the entire Air Transport Pilot’s Licence (ATPL) question bank has been put up for sale on the Internet.

Copies of the question bank, which has almost 6000 questions and, of course, the correct answers, are being sold for 650 euros. The seller is also offering individual subjects for 50 euros each. Flyer has seen the data being sold and, after consulting with groundschool providers, we believe it is genuine.

The JAA knows about the security breach and is investigating, although it said that the data in question did not represent the latest question bank in use. The JAA told us that while some of the questions will be the same, the latest version of the question bank contains a significant amount of differences from the one that appears to be on sale. Flyer has not been able to establish the number of questions added to the Central Question Bank.

The JAA sets a template which each authority uses to choose a set of random questions for each of the 14 subjects. The JAA tells us the question bank is frequently added to and refined and they have no plans to change anything with regard to the ATPL written exams or their confidentiality.

It may appear that with much of the JAA question bank in the public domain, albeit an apparently older version, students will be able to learn the answers to some of the trickier questions.


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